Ashley Burciaga

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Feminist Mothering

I thought being a mother was exhausting: feeding, diapering, feeding, fighting to put clothes on a baby who loves being naked, feeding, lacking sleep, what sleep? Figuring out childcare, how to shower, how to get things done in 2 hour increments between nap time. Can I get anything done during nap time by being quiet enough? Should I just nap too? What solids to feed, how often, how much...let's be sure to vary between fruits, veggies, protein, variety. Oh ya here's water too. oh and you're teething. 

Now being a feminist mother is exhausting af! On top of all the mothering and stuff in between that my mom brain forgot, there's this: what books am I exposing her to? Are they showing equity, social justice, community? Are her books, toys, clothes, experiences, gender varying? Are the characters always male or female? Do the females always need saving by a man? Are the characters of color? Am I exposing her to all types of toys, not just dolls and stuffies? Is the language I use with her politically correct when talking about all people without exclusion? Am I showing her openness with all? I am being self-reflective of my own biases and showing how I can point them out in myself so one day she'll be able to as well? All races, gender identifies and their fluidity, LGBTQI, migrants, those undocumented, and "so on" the 'categories' that get lumped into "so on," usually ableism, but what else am I always missing in my string of Otherness?