What Happens When We Step Outside Our Comfort Zone?
Our entire culture is built on the elimination of the difficult and the pursuit of the comfortable." -Aubrey Marcus
But what happens when we step outside our comfort zone?
The postpartum TRANSFORMATION is always more than just physical. It's mostly mindset. Shifting the mindset to prioritize self-care. Shifting the mindset from this is how it is now to I can be stronger than ever. Initially, it meant being ok with modifying EVERYTHING when you never had to modify before. It means a 30 minute workout takes 45-60 minutes because of pausing to nurse a hungry baby. It shifts to workouts with a baby crawling all over you or wanting to be held, so that baby is now your weights. Then it turns into that babe working out with you, modeling what you're doing. And the behavior of modeling physical and mental health is worth the exhausting logistics of trying to stick to a workout routine with an ever growing babe. My own physical and mental well being is better than ever, but watching her grow, learn, and participate along side me is the most rewarding. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different than that the postpartum body can be strong. And it can be stronger than it was ever before, because you are stronger than ever. #AskMeHow #17monthspostpartum